View Profile g0m

g0m's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 572 (From 149 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 9,690 Points

Shop Empire

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/190 points)

Starter 5 Points

Build first booth

Contractor 10 Points

Fully upgrade the elevator

Hunter 25 Points

Catch 10 thieves on your mall

I Love NY 50 Points

Reach the 3rd City

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 4/14 (30/340 points)

First of Four 5 Points

Defeat Shellbreaker!

Stinky Toe 5 Points

Defeat Stompy!

Gravity Battle 10 Points

Defeat Space Box!

Victory 10 Points

Win the game!

Explorer 25 Points

Find 100% map!

Happy Ending 25 Points

Save Sun Snail!

Treasure Hunter 25 Points

Find 100% items!

Homeless 50 Points

Win Slug Mode!

Speedrunner 50 Points

Win in less than 30 minutes!

The Gauntlet 50 Points

Win Boss Rush!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/210 points)

Burp 5 Points

Complete the first chapter.

Airhead 10 Points

Complete the second chapter.

Architect 10 Points

Complete a level made in the map editor.

Rocket Sauce 10 Points

Complete the third chapter.

Gishy 25 Points

Complete the fourth chapter.

Conclusion 50 Points

Complete the final chapter.

Perfectionist 100 Points

Complete the bonus chapter.

Stamper's Quest For Fags

Medals Earned: 4/7 (25/200 points)

Occasional Smoker 10 Points

Score 50 points in easy mode.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

2 pack-a-day 25 Points

Score 50 points in medium mode.

Chain Smoker 50 Points

Score 50 points in advanced mode.

Full-Time Addict 100 Points

Score 100 points in nightmare mode.

Stealing the Diamond

Medals Earned: 5/11 (160/435 points)

BUNP 5 Points

I TOLD you dog!

It's a Joke Guys 5 Points

I did it on purpose...

Aggressive Ending 50 Points

Win the aggressive way

Epic Ending 50 Points

Win the epic way

Undetected Ending 50 Points

Win the undetected way

01100010 10 Points

6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a

Like a D6 10 Points

Lose 6 points

Failtastic 50 Points

Fail 55 times

Fail Champion 100 Points

Watch all 40 unique fails

Obscure Medal 100 Points

You know you want this medal

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Street Fighter Collab

Medals Earned: 1/8 (100/375 points)

Bloodshot 100 Points

Watch the whole thing without skipping.

Domestic Violence 25 Points

X marks the spot!

Tiger Nipples 25 Points

Give 'em a pinch!

Tiger Uppercut 25 Points

Knock that smug grin off Ryu's stupid face!

Turtles 25 Points

Nobody likes a turtle!

Yodelay-hee-hoo! 25 Points

Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick!

Ono Boners 50 Points

Oh Ono!

Egg Hunter 100 Points

Find all the secret movies!

Super Mario BP Oil Spill

Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/285 points)


Allow a fish to die and plug his own hole.

GLUG GLUG 10 Points

Destroy at least eight blowfish in a single game with other dead blowfish.

SUCKER 10 Points

Make a diver accidentally swim into a mine.

BLOW ME 25 Points

Kill at least eight BP divers in a single game with dead blowfish.


Destroy at least eight mines in a single game with dead blowfish.


Last long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward on his yacht.


Get a single Bullet Bill torpedo to kill two BP divers.

AQUAMAN 50 Points

Survive long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward without dying.


Kill no divers or submarines, but still destroy the BP oil rig in a single game.


Kill at least five submarines in a single game.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

super sweatshop mastar

Medals Earned: 1/3 (25/175 points)

1000 km 25 Points

Go 1000 km for the mother land

5000 km 50 Points

Go 5000 km for great power

10000 km 100 Points

Go 10000 km to prove your loyalty

Sydney Shark

Medals Earned: 3/17 (75/525 points)

BroadcastHeli 25 Points

Take down the Broadcast helicopter

CH46SeaKnight 25 Points

Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter

HH65Dolphin 25 Points

Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter

AirbusA380 25 Points

Take down the Airbus A380

BAEHawk 25 Points

Take down the BAE Hawk

CrocodileJet 25 Points

Take down the crocodile jet

DHC2Beaver 25 Points

Take down the DHC 2 Beaver

Kayak 25 Points

Crush 10 kayaks

NuclearRocket 25 Points

Nuke Sydney

Orca 25 Points

Eat 60 pieces of Orca

Sailplane 25 Points

Take down the sailplane

UFO 25 Points

Take down the UFO

Zeppelin 25 Points

Take down the zeppelin

Horse 50 Points

Kill 9 horses

Passenger 50 Points

Kill 30 cruise ship passengers

SkyDiver 50 Points

Kill 10 sky divers

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Talesworth Adventure Ep.1

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/180 points)

Noob Test 5 Points

Solve every easy (blue) room

A Novice No More 5 Points

Solve every medium (teal) room

True Adventurer 10 Points

Solve every challenging (red) room

Warrior Proper 10 Points

Solve every hard (purple) room

Glutton for Punishment 25 Points

Solve every bonus (green) room

Purveyor of Finery 25 Points

Collect all 25 gems located throughout the castle

Hoard the Hoard 50 Points

Slay the Talesworth Dragon and obtain his hoard

Thinking Things Through 50 Points

Complete the game using 5 or less Resets